Pinestream Homeowners Association
P.O. Box 33445
North Royalton, OH 44133
History of Pinestream Development

Prior to the development of Pinestream, the property was owned by Dale and Trudy Saraniti, who were residents of North Royalton at the time. Dale was a long time educator who eventually served as business manager for the North Royalton District, and later in that capacity for the Brunswick schools. It was reported in the local newspapers that Dale additionally sold real estate and often held multiple jobs. The property was conveyed to the Developer, Saks & Goldberg, in the mid 1990’s, and Dale and Trudy built a home on Waterbridge and lived in the development from 2001 through 2017. Trudy could often be seen tending to her flowers, and working the property which bordered some of the natural habitat.
Saks & Goldberg began construction of the development shortly after securing the property, and phase one builders got busy in 1997 and 1998. Phase II began in mid-1999, and in December of that year the Developer granted a conservation easement to the Cuyahoga Soil & Water Conservation District. The easement covers almost 11 acres of property in the development. The properties on which these easements are located are owned by the property owners, but there are restrictions which must be adhered to. These protected areas recognize the substantial value as a scenic, natural, aesthetic and educational resource in its natural state, and ensures the protection and conservation of that value as a natural, scenic, wooded, and riparian area, ensuring a natural habitat for plants and wildlife.
Phases 3 through 6 were each opened about 2 years apart, and the development continued to grow through the early 2000's, until the housing market softened considerably later in the decade. Lots sold more slowly from mid-2007 through 2016, as the market contracted, snd took quite some time to recover. It wasn't until 2017 that Phase VII began with the Developer selling the remaining 16 lots to Drees Homes. Drees also purchased one of the remaining Phase VI lots and constructed a model home on the site.
During the construction lull, the Developer decided to turn the HOA over to the members. In early 2009 the first board, elected by the members, began operation. The board drafted the Code of Regulations in November, 2010, which outlined details regarding board make-up, officers, elections, meetings, and fiscal management. At that time a website was created for the HOA membership to facilitate communication and help provide vital information to the community. In January, 2016, the Board implemented a set of Rules which established standards for a variety of exterior property issues that were commonly discussed and frequently the complaint of residents. The Code of regulations was amended in January, 2017, based on the recommendation of Ott & Associates, the law firm retained by the HOA board. The amendment was needed in order to update the terminology and ensure compliance with chapter 5312 of the Ohio Revised Code, which pertains to Ohio Planned Community Law.
From mid-2017 through 2019 Phase VII construction by Drees Homes has ramped up considerably. All lots have been sold, with only the current model home and one other finished home available for sale by Drees. It appears that Phase VII will be completed by late 2019 or early 2020.
As Phase VII nears completion, 3 other lots currently remain for sale in Pinestream. The 1st lot on Riverview Drive that fronts the retention basin near State Road is owned by the Developer. Two lots remain on Sawgrass Circle, one of which is owned by the Developer, and the other is owned by Ridgeline Homes.
While Pinestream Development, as originally designed, is nearing completion of the final phase of construction, future development is expected, as large tracts of land which border Pinestream are made available for sale. A property located on Edgerton Road which backs up to the Watercrest Drive stub has a tentative plan in place with Bailey Development to create a minor subdivision consisting of 5 single family homes on 8.25 acres. Access to the property is only available from Watercrest Drive, and would end in a cul-de-sac. A public hearing on the plan was held by the North Royalton planning commission on March 6, 2019. Many questions were raised regarding flooding concerns, and whether the development would be designed as a private or public drive, and the intention regarding the property being added to the Pinestream Development and HOA. Separately, a large parcel of land which borders the rear of the homes on the south side of lower Waterbridge is for sale. It's certainly possible that the parcel could be purchased with the intent to create a new housing development. But that's future speculation, not history, so here the story ends, until the future unfolds.
Date | Event | |
..................... | .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. | |
8-13-1993 | Purchase option agreement - Dale & Gertrude Saraniti sell property to Saks & Goldberg | |
12-6-1996 | Pinestream Homeowners Association, Inc. Article of Incorporation filed by developers with the State of Ohio | |
3-5-1997 | Phase 1 plat map recorded - Phase I begins | |
3-24-1997 | Pinestream Covenants, Conditions. Easements... recorded in Cuy County Book 2452 Page 34 | |
6-29-1999 | Phase II plat map recorded - Phase II begins | |
12-29-1999 | Conservation Easement Grant - DS Acquisition (Saks & Goldberg) to Cuy. Soil & Water Conservation District | |
1-19-2000 | Phase III plot map recorded - Phase III begins | |
10-18-2002 | Phase IV Added to Declaration - Phase IV begins | |
3-30-2004 | Phase V Added to Declaration - Phase V begins | |
2-10-2006 | Phase VI added to Declaration - Phase VI begins | |
1-1-2009 | Pinestream HOA turned over to members and initial Board of Directors elected | |
11-22-2010 | New HOA Board drafts Pinestream Code of Regulations (By-laws), which is recorded with Cuyahoga County | |
1-27-2016 | Pinestream Board implements a set of Rules & Regulations | |
6-23-2016 | Lot purchase agreement between DS Acquisition and Drees Homes | |
1-27-2017 | The Code of Regulations is amended for compliance with ORC chapter 5312 - Ohio Planned Community Law | |
11-27-2017 | Plat map for Phase VII recorded creating 16 new sub-lots; Phase VII begins | |